
November 24, 2011

'Tis The Season to Be Thankful

This past year has been a little bit on the side of crazy around here. It is with a full, relieved and truly thankful heart with my wonderful family by my side. This Thanksgiving the true meaning of being thankful for what matters has never struck home more deeply.

Although the year has been long and extremely hard at times, both my husband and I have come away with a new love for each other and maturity as people because of it. No matter how great your marriage is once you've been in it for several years, the sparkle dulls a little, and you begin to take each other for granted–at least, I know that is where I had found myself.

First, I am thankful to God for loving me, pursuing me and forgiving me! It was He, who helped me to realize just how amazing my husband is, just how much he does for our family, and just how much I need and love him. It’s like being a newlywed again...laughing and dreaming.
Sometimes you need a reality check to stop and think about what is important in life. "No success in public life can compensate for the failure in the home," said Benjamin Disraeli. In the busyness of living, it’s far too easy to slip into complacency and annoyance at the people and things you should be cherishing the most.When is the last time that you delighted in the company of your spouse?

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful–really truly and deeply thankful!

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