
July 11, 2011

Confessional: I'm a Social Eater

Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm a social eater! You have probably heard of social drinkers, but how about a social eater? I LOVE food from all places, ethnicities and people. Unfortunately, if I do not have someone to enjoy this food, I tend to forget to eat. I know that sounds silly, but it is true. My hubby travel a lot of business, and it is really hard for me to make a full gourmet meal (even though I truly LOVE to cook.) The kiddos are satisfied with quesadilla, grilled cheese and veggies every day of the week, which makes me lazy in the kitchen.

So, I extend the invitation to either:

  • Come to my house & let me prepare you a meal, or
  • Come out with me to a great local restaurant.

I believe a meal is not just about the food, but it's the social interaction that completes it :-)


  1. Okay - I'm taking you up on either option! I just replied to a comment you left on my blog and suggested we grab a coffee soon...but let's do a meal instead!

  2. OMG, heard you talking about this at Jo's today... What a great idea:)

  3. Jenny, let's start planning :) Would love to grab a bite, and I'm always up for coffee!

    Thanks, Amanda!


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