
June 1, 2011

Spotted: FOOD Eatup at Whiskey Cake

Ever wondered "What's good around here?" Well, there's an app for that called Foodspotting. As opposed to the standard research-and-read restaurant reviews, Foodspotting offers an out of the box and in-your-plate take on food recommendations. 

Wouldn't it be fun to show up somewhere with a bunch of other spotters to "foodtograph" a popular "nommed" place?! Fortunately for you, Dallas is having its first Foodspotting Eatup on Tuesday, June 7 at Whiskey Cake in Plano. You get to have fun, takes some pics, eatup, drinkup and meetup with other foodies. We've set up an official Dallas Foodspotting Community on Meetup!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for your eat-up tomorrow! Take loads of photos and I'll share them on our Facebook page :) Thanks again, Jennifer!


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